Complete Osho Literature

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संदेश पहुंचना चाहिए
लोग भले ही आज समझें या कल इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ेगा, आप उन लोगों तक ओशो का संदेश पहुचांए जिन्होंने अभी तक ओशो की वाणी को पढ़ा नहीं है, सुना नहीं है
ओशो भविष्य के मार्गदर्शक है।


Osho is known around the world for his pioneering contribution to meditation – the science of inner transformation- with his unique approach, “Osho Active Meditations” which acknowledge the accelerated pace of the contemporary world and bring meditation into modern life. Osho continues to inspire millions of people worldwide in their search to define a new approach to individual spirituality that is self-directed and respond to the everyday challenges of contemporary life. Osho guides us on a profound inner journey, progressing from the merging of negative and positive to the non-existence of the ego and the arrival at our own inner Buddha. Osho brings the spiritual experience into daily life.

about Osho Darshan

OSHO Darshan was started with the mission of providing a platform to Osho’s vision through his Books, Audio & Meditations. Osho darshan is a gateway to large collection of Osho books available in both Hindi and English languages. We are here to spread Osho’s message of sprituality and meditation. Get in touch for all Osho books at best prices.

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